A Personal Invitation

How are Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard and Russell Brunson adding millions to their bottom line, fast, without having to create new programs or look after clients?

Last year Virtual Summits were all the rage, right? I’m sure you’re familiar with the summit guest model where you promote an event, and contribute your time and expertise, and they build a list of subscribers most of whom won’t show up to watch your awesome presentation.

Well, I thought we could do better than that. So I started looking at all the best models that are really working today.

You may know that 10 years ago I interviewed 30 millionaires to get their advice to create a million dollars online fast, and created Millionaires Academy®, which went on to become a best-selling book and multi-million-dollar business. Then last year I decided to do it again and interviewed 50 millionaire marketers and asked them what was really working for them during the pandemic.

Multi-day challenges are smokin’ hot right now. Many of the smart marketers I know are making millions and growing big lists with challenges.

Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins just ran one with almost 1 million attendee registrations!
How did they do that? With the power of super affiliates. And how did they reward them? Not only do the affiliates earn great commissions, but they also get to contribute bonus programs and be featured speakers to the entire attendee group, thus building their own brands and celebrity.

It’s collaborative joint venture promoting that’s a win-win all round. I see it as the evolution of the multi-speaker event and affiliate promotion marketing.

Krista Mashore has been awarded 6 2-Comma Club Awards running 5 day challenges. (‘2-Comma’ Club is an award for $1MM sales through a single funnel)
Pedro Adao helped put 150,000 attendees into an event with challenges! He became one of the top affiliates in launch after launch.
Anik Singal, Daymond John, Russell Brunson, Steve Olsher, Aaron Fletcher, Yara Golden... are all running challenges… Why? Because the conversion ratios are extraordinary!

What if you don’t have the budget, expertise or time to put on your own challenges right now?

Promote and Get Paid

invite you to join us in our Mastermind Community to add extra income streams and promotional opportunities and you choose what you’ll promote.
There is no cost to join Millionaires Mastermind Elite but you must be willing to promote for others and show up professionally as a joint venture partner.

Speaking Opportunities

Be a featured speaker at our international online events, and those of our other prominent members.
Be a featured speaker at our international online events, and those of our other prominent members.
Interview on our popular podcasts and other members’ podcasts
Feature on our new TV show at https:// MillionairesTraining .org where we already get over
5,000 visits a month and it’s a new site!
Contribute bonus content to close more sales!

Opportunities to earn affiliate commissions are very lucrative.

You can earn 50% on the VIP upsell
50% on the $997 upsell offer
Feature on our new TV show at https://MillionairesTraining.org where we already get over

See the table below for some examples of how much you could earn per event:

Potential Affiliate Earnings per campaign (For demonstration purposes only - results vary greatly)

No. of Leads

Purchase Price

Total Sales


Optin leads






















Leads a month

































Our challenges are evergreen so we have a rolling campaign schedule

(and more than one can be run simultaneously)

1. Millionaire Profit Plan Bootcamp
2. Millionaires Mastermind Challenge
3. Celebrity Fast Track Bootcamp
4. Ultimate Author’s Bootcamp
5. Fast Millionaire Formula Bootcamp
6. And then we promote YOUR Challenge?

And all of our challenges go out on a rotating cycle

Challenges, program sales, and list building all year long!

If you’d like to see what we’re doing, join us for
The Millionaire Profit Plan Bootcamp
If you’re tired of being responsible for every dollar you earn in your business and are ready to join the Millionaires Mastermind Elite, and start setting up lucrative joint ventures with high integrity synergistic marketers...

There is no cost to join Millionaires Mastermind Elite but you must be willing to promote for others and show up professionally as a joint venture partner.

And There’s More!

Our top performers will be featured in a SUPER CHALLENGE, where you’ll share your strategies for success in a best selling book and live summit that we’ll all promote,
and speak at our live conferences. This will be epic!

Let’s get on a call and see if this is a fit for you and your business!

If you don’t know me I’m Cydney O’Sullivan, an 18-times best-selling author and publisher for hundreds of celebrity experts. The founder of Millionaires Academy®, Millionaires Training Foundation and Celebrity Publishers. I’ve been helping speakers and authors develop their Million Dollar Message signature presentations, webinars and books for over a decade. I have built multiple million-dollar businesses in retail, real estate, stock market, and online education and my passion is to help experts scale to 7 figures and beyond.
So join us and start monetizing your fanbase!

Cydney O’Sullivan

Millionaires Academy®
